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Interesting and Random Crap

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Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 Empty Re: Interesting and Random Crap

Wed Oct 09, 2019 7:52 pm
Hey all, just wanted to put this here in case anyone was interested. Alastor recently reemerged on Gametramp asking about the future of the site. Right now it sounds like he may be shutting it down and setting up a discord for all of us in it's place.

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Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 Empty Re: Interesting and Random Crap

Sat Mar 14, 2020 9:51 am
Wow, I had totally forgotten about Gametramp lol. Haven't been there in years, obviously...

Also, a warm hello to everyone here who may occasionally stop by. I'd say 'Happy 2020" but it seems like this year may have other plans instead. You know, what with a global pandemic and plummeting stock markets. Oh well... not much we can do about that.

Just as an update, lots of things have been happening on my end since the end of 2019!
- I've moved out of my parents house and into my own, alongside two roommates who I've known since college. It's been great so far!
- I finally built my own computer! This has been a goal of mine since I was in high school, probably. It's a beast--but my goal was to create a rig that could handle Cyberpunk at ultra setting when it comes out, so I think I managed to do that at least. haha
- I just started learning to play the piano a couple of weeks ago. I've never been particularly musically inclined--or at least that's what I kept telling myself all these years, when I've never actually picked up an instrument in my life. So, this year, I decided to just take the leap and start teaching myself. Bought an old, unused keyboard off of a friend, and have been trying to put in an hour or two of practice every day if I can. I'm enjoying it already, even though I obviously can only do so much at the moment. lol

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Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 Empty Re: Interesting and Random Crap

Sun Mar 29, 2020 6:26 pm
Hello all, I know it's been a while. Just wanted to see if everyone was doing okay after everything that has happened so far.

I'm still alive, so I have that going for me which is nice...

Speak to you all next year, stay safe!

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Mon Mar 30, 2020 8:55 pm
Hey Dom! As far as I know, those others of us from LS that I keep in touch with outside of the site are still hanging in there. I too am fine, luckily. Working from home now, thankfully, and just trying to stay in as much as humanly possible..

Keep on keepin' on though. Stay safe, wash your hands!

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Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 Empty Re: Interesting and Random Crap

Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:28 pm
Hey there fellas, it's a been minute since I found my way over here. It's safe to say that this year has been a bit of dumpster fire. So far I have been doing okay. *knock on wood* And I sincerely hope you are all healthy and safe as well.
Due to the pandemic I have unfortunately lost my art studio job. All the revenue for the studio came in from public speaking events we were hired for, so you can imagine when the plague hit every single job was canceled. I'm not particularly fond of my new job as it is largely unrelated to my field, but perhaps I shouldn't complain too much as it's a stable job with benefits in an increasingly unstable time. in addition to the the pandemic my home of Minneapolis made international headlines as it nearly burned to the ground in midst of chaotic riots as a result of the killing of George Floyd leading to the largest civil rights movement in history. Everyone I know is okay now, however a number of my friends were shot/gassed by police, and several were in a crowd of protestors that was hit by a semi truck, perhaps you saw that headline as well. At the moment I write to you guys on a brisk fall day, with leaves changing outside my window, no fires, no gas, and currently no covid anywhere near. I'm trying to keep myself busy with art things to stay sharp(ish) until I can get life back to a relative normalcy.
I also wanted to let you guys know about GameTramp. A few months back Alastor decided to lock the site down and it is now only accessible with a password. However we have started a new discord chat! Many of the old crew is there including myself, Alastor, vmag, airstrike, DJ, PlasticTastic and others. I would you like to invite any of those who are not already there to join Smile If you're interested send me a message on here and i'll drop you the link. (Just so the link isnt public).
Miss you all. Stay well and stay safe.

- JoC

(also vote)

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Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 Empty Re: Interesting and Random Crap

Sat Oct 23, 2021 6:27 pm
Good evening everyone, just popping on here to say hello. I've got a lovely new PC if anyone wants to play anything on Steam. Message me if you want my Steam. I can't believe it's 2021, so much has happened over the last year as well as this year. Hope everyone is staying stay and doing well. I miss everyone and the fun times we had on here. Until next time, Smile
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Sat Oct 23, 2021 10:28 pm
For sure. Not sure how many games we'll have in common, but if we've got any, and you're up for a few games, I'd be keen. :-)

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Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:18 pm
Maikuolan wrote:For sure. Not sure how many games we'll have in common, but if we've got any, and you're up for a few games, I'd be keen. :-)
I think we have a few we can work with. Plus with the sale coming up there's more chances we might have more lol. Sounds good, I'll hit you up next time you're online. Smile
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Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 Empty Re: Interesting and Random Crap

Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:40 pm
It always sorta warms my heart to log in once and a great while and see a few new posts. I'm glad everyone seems to be doing alright, or otherwise hanging in there! And JoC, man... I'm sorry I missed that message of yours back in October 2020. Alastor, Vmag, Airstrike... all names I haven't thought of in probably a decade! Nice to see some of us folks keeping in touch after all this time.  Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 1f609

I too have a Discord going with some of the members from here on LS / RPGF, though it's quite small. If anyone would also like a link to that, I can provide. Similarly, shoot me a DM here and I'll provide the link.
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Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 Empty Re: Interesting and Random Crap

Sun May 01, 2022 7:57 pm
I certainly stumbled back here by chance, but I did want to say hello! I hope everyone is well.
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Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:38 pm
Hey TEG, It's been so long! I hope you're doing well too!
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Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 Empty Re: Interesting and Random Crap

Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:41 pm
Anyway you could dm me the info for discord?

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Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:45 pm
Sent via DMs.  Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 1f603
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Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 Empty Re: Interesting and Random Crap

Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:58 am
Kamikaze_X wrote:It always sorta warms my heart to log in once and a great while and see a few new posts. I'm glad everyone seems to be doing alright, or otherwise hanging in there! And JoC, man... I'm sorry I missed that message of yours back in October 2020. Alastor, Vmag, Airstrike... all names I haven't thought of in probably a decade! Nice to see some of us folks keeping in touch after all this time.  Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 1f609

I too have a Discord going with some of the members from here on LS / RPGF, though it's quite small. If anyone would also like a link to that, I can provide. Similarly, shoot me a DM here and I'll provide the link.

Holy shit, shoot me a link. It's been ages, this feels like ancient history to me! I'd love to get back in touch, and see where everyone's gone.

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Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 Empty Re: Interesting and Random Crap

Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:59 pm
Dura, I gotchu! Invite should be sent. Glad to see you around here again after all this time!
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Interesting and Random Crap - Page 38 Empty Re: Interesting and Random Crap

Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:25 pm
My goodness, this has to be the most activity this site has seen in the last 5+ years.
It's good to see you guys are still checking in. It's always pretty nostalgic to see these names. I hope you are all healthy and happy after these past few years. Remember when the word "pandemic" conjured the image of a yellow gas mask and some great games instead of... Well... This? Let's go back to that.

I was never too active on RPGF (if at all) but if there area some LS homies hanging out in that discord, I too am interested in joining. Send me the link and I'll pop in for a "hello". Smile

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Sat Nov 05, 2022 1:00 pm
Cool, I'll send you the link too, JoC!
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