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Join date : 2009-12-29
Age : 36
Location : Perth, Western Australia

Music Project Empty Music Project

Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:10 am
To anyone interested,

I'm currently in the process of beginning a new music project that'll be requiring quite a number of people to assist by way of vocal recordings. These vocal recording requirements include everything from needing people to record short, simple, singular words to needing people to actually sing a few lyrics (yet to be written), and possibly assist here and there if they so choose to.

Vocal experience and ability is NOT required - Honestly, even if you think that your voice sounds like crap, it doesn't bother me - The nature of this project doesn't necessitate that everyone require a good voice. Does help, if one chooses to do the singing parts, but, is not required.

I'm also hoping to get some video footage to go with it at some stage in the future, so if anyone has the ability to record (either through webcam or actual video camera), that would help. But again, is definitely not necessary.

If anyone is interested, either reply here or send me a PM and I'll continue with the details.

As a final note.. This project is entirely for fun; Absolutely no money will be made from this by anyone, you or me included; When completed, the end results will be available for download; And, if it works out well, might end up on YouTube. Also, currently still in planning stage - Nothing has, as of yet, happened towards this.

Thanks. Smile

Posts : 35
Join date : 2010-02-20

Music Project Empty Re: Music Project

Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:06 pm
What exactly is the project, sounds pretty interesting to me.
Posts : 457
Join date : 2009-12-29
Age : 36
Location : Perth, Western Australia

Music Project Empty Re: Music Project

Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:33 am
Will chat to you on MSN about it. Smile
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Age : 32
Location : My room Biatches!

Music Project Empty Re: Music Project

Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:22 pm
I agree, this does sound interesting Wink
Posts : 457
Join date : 2009-12-29
Age : 36
Location : Perth, Western Australia

Music Project Empty Re: Music Project

Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:11 pm
This one has long since been chucked to the can, but, thought I'd throw it out there that I'm still doing stuff from time to time, and I'm always keen to get volunteers for stuff if anyone is ever interested! Smile
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Music Project Empty Re: Music Project

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