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Join date : 2009-09-28
Age : 29
Location : Noxus

Romanorum Victoria Empty Romanorum Victoria

Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:10 pm
Romanorum Victoria

Chapter I: The Beginning.

Flavius Julius sat upon his horse silently and watched the battle unfold before him. He had taken a large portion of House Julii's Legions to face the Gaelic threat in the north, he was acting upon orders from the senate to take the small village of Segesta back from the Rebels. Along the way the Legion had come upon a army of Gauls that were on their way to attack Arretium, the home to House Julii's leaders. The outnumbered Gauls had retreaded when they spotted the Romans but Flavius chased them deep into a nearby forest and now they had nowhere to run. First the Gauls had tried to lure the Legion into a trap but Flavius's Equites had spotted the waiting Gauls and alerted the Legion, Flavius then ordered his Hastati to form up around the Velites and Archers. As the Gauls attacked the infantry Flavius had taken the Equites with him to circle around and hit the Gauls form behind, now all he ahd to do was wait. Then it came, a short horn blast from the infantry signaled his charge and without speaking the cavalry charged. The Gauls turned to face the new threat but that was their mistake, as they readied for the oncoming charge the Hastati and Triarii attacked their rear and then the Equites and Flavius scattered the rest of the Gauls. No Gaul escaped that day and then Flavius once again turned his gaze towards Segesta.

This is based off of my current Rome: Total War Campaign as the Julii.
Posts : 494
Join date : 2009-09-28
Age : 29
Location : Noxus

Romanorum Victoria Empty Re: Romanorum Victoria

Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:47 am
Segesta, a small village on the coast of north-eastern Italy, had rebelled against Roma and now Flasvius Julius would see an end to the rebellion. Upon arriving at the village he decided to attack immediately and take Segesta back, he quickly ordered the Hastati to form a half-box around the Velites and Archers while the Equites would stay with him and his bodyguards to flank the Rebels. As the Romans took their positions the small Rebel force came forth from the village, it consisted of a small group of Town Watch and a some peasants, nothing Flavius couldn't handle. They charged strait on into the Hastati-Archer formation as Flavius and the Equites circled around to hit them from behind, a few Rebels broke through the Hastati and began to attack the Velites who fell back and hurled their Javelins. The Hastati then broke formation and began to surround the Rebels while Flavius charged their rear, the Rebels began to scatter but Flavius ordered that none shall survive and the Romans put chase. As the last Rebel fell Flavius called out

''Romanorum Victoria!''

This shout was greeted with cheers from his troops, however the victory celebration was cut short as an army of Gauls arrived to take Segesta for themselves. Flavius quickly sent word back to Arretium of this and then prepared his Legion to defend the newly conquered village. Flavius expected the Gauls to attack straight out but instead they set of camp and began to lay siege to Segesta. Flavius smiled at this because he knew that House Julii would send reinforcements to assist him.
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