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Shogunate of Kyokai Empty Shogunate of Kyokai

Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:58 pm
Nation Name: Shogunate of Kyokai / Kyokan Shogunate / Kyokai
Pronunciation: [k-yoh kah ee]
Demonym: Kyokan; rarely Kyokai’i
Capital: Eidou
Population: 37,000,000
Global Status: Sovereign; Great Power

Human (Kyokan) - 90%
Human (Flamellen) - 4%
Human (Other Nationalities) - 4%
Other Races - 2%

National Language: Kyokan
Official Languages: Kyokan and Common Tongue
Economic System: Free-market with state control of foreign trade and taxation
Government Type: Shogunate - Absolute Monarchy
The Shogunate's governmental apparatus is called the Bakufu, essentially meaning the "central government". It is entirely headed by the noble class with an advisory stemming down the social ladder. As advisors to the Shogun, as well as Legislators who carry out the laws and duties of their office, the Seven Ministers of the Shogun control various parts of the government under his name. Representatives of the people report to those officials, who in turn inform the public of policies being made. The Ministers report directly to the Shogun himself.

Legislature: The Council of Seven
•  The Minister of Foreign Affairs is responsible for anything dealing with outside of Kyokai and the affairs between the State and foreign powers.
– Current titleholder: Shiro Katagiri
•  The Minister of Domestic Affairs is thusly responsible for any policy being made within the State
– Current titleholder: Yamanosuke Iwakami
•  The Minister of Justice deals with the judicial side to government, making sure laws are upheld for the good of the State. They are the head of the National court system.
– Current titleholder: Yutaro Sagara
•  The Minister of Coin is responsible for policies regarding the economy and its wellbeing
– Current titleholder: Kintaro Okada
•  The Minister of Trade is responsible for any policies dealing with domestic and foreign trade
– Current titleholder: Yuji Oda
•  The Minister of Defense is responsible for policies regarding the defense of the nation, as well as possible war with foreign entities
– Current titleholder: Sanosuke Takara
•  The Minister of Secrets is responsible for policies regarding espionage and counter-espionage
– Current titleholder: Yume Sendo

Ruling House: House Minamoto
Current Ruler: Minamoto Reijuro
Ruler’s Title:

•  (internationally recognized) Shogun of Kyokai

•  (formally recognized) Lord Shogun

Ruling Family: 
•  Shogun: Reijuro Minamoto
•  Wife (Shoguness): Akane Minamoto — "Lady Akane"
•  Heir-apparent: Soujiro Minamoto
•  Second-born Son: Kenshiro Minamoto
•  First-born Daughter (3rd Child): Haruka Minamoto

Imperial Family:
•  Emperor (Mikado): Senju Takeda
– Named era: Esurien Jidai
•  Empress (Mikadame): Noriko Takeda

Sigil / Standard: Set on a field of white, a blood-red sun casts rays of red and black across the sky
House Words: "We Rise with the Sun"
Currency: Kyokan En

•  Colors: Red, Black, and White

•  Tree: The Cherry Tree

•  Flower: The White Orchid

•  Animal: The Shika Deer

Religion: Polytheism - Kamo no Senjuru - In the Senju religion, it is said that there are millions of deities and more may be added every day. Spirits reside in all things—from the rocks on the sea shore, to the trees of the forests, and to the rain that falls from the sky. The Kyokan religious mythos spans millennia, and has been neatly intertwined within the nation's own history, to the point that it can be difficult to separate mythology from factual history.

There is a main Pantheon of Senju, however, which includes the chief gods and goddesses who are responsible for the creation of all other divines, as well as the world itself.

God of War & Battle -  Zenketsu
Goddess of the Sun - Amare
Goddess of the Moon & Stars - Tsuyoshi
God of the Earth & Fire - Horu
Goddess of the Wind - Kazeshini
God of the Sea, Storms, & Tide - Soumei
God of Mercantilism & Good Deeds - Basara
God of Life & Birth - Izunaga
Goddess of Death & Decay - Izunami
Goddess of the Land & Forests - Sen’no’mori
God of Mountains - Yamagami
God of the Darkness & Unknown - Yi
Goddess of Divine Messages, Fortune, & Fate - Inari


Social and Geographic Statistics:
Social Mobility: Little Mobility; existing caste system of social hierarchy
•  The Noble houses tend to hold much of the power, however several lower classes are able to contend, and over the years, even the peasantry has gained a larger voice in politics.
•  Society is strongly structured in a caste hierarchy with the Emperor (considered a living god) at the very top, followed by the Shogun, and other classes in which there is little social mobility.

Hierarchical Table:

•  Emperor / Empress
•  Shogun

•  Noble Houses

•  Bannermen / Military

•  Merchants & Craftsmen

•  Peasantry 

Political Activity: Limited; Representation through Council Members’ Legislation

•  Involvement in government affairs by the citizenry was once illegal and punishable by state law, however over the years, this has shifted to citizen involvement being allowable through provincial council peoples’ representation.

Geographic Mobility:

•  Kyokan citizens are free to move anywhere within Kyokai. However, once you leave the country, you would no longer be considered Kyokan at all. This may be due to strained relations between Kyokai and nearby countries that have been to war in past years.

Major Regions: Kyokai & her territories

Kyokai is separated into several major territories, most easily seen within its main islands and its surrounding lands. Within the main islands, to aid in policy and legislation, the regions have been separated by province—most named after the largest city within its boundaries.

The largest of all Kyokai’s islands, and commands the lion's share of the country’s population—including its capital city. Joushu also has the widest variety of climate; where the north can be frigid and bear tundra for much of the year, and the far south is choked with dense forestation and sub-tropical jungle. Much of the island lies with a temperate climate zone, however.

Several great mountain ranges sit toward the north and central regions of Joushu, the most notable are the Kamiyama Range which sits to the south and east of Eidou, and the Sendo Range which sits to Eidou’s South and west. Both ranges are bisected by the Nakane River, which is the largest in all of Kyokai, and feeds into several groups of lakes and into both the Bay of Kyokai at the north, and the Arashi Sea at the southern coast.

Eidou Province
•  Eidou (Capital City)
•  Ogaki
•  Matsumoto
•  Aikaze

Fuyuzuki Province
•  Fuyuzuki
•  Sekima
•  Mibu (village)
•  Genma (small town)

Negasaki Province
•  Negasaki
•  Tenken
•  Hotaru (village)

Tsukishima Province
•  Tsukishima
•  Kumano
•  Morozawa
•  Yomida

Fushima Province
•  Fushima
•  Onozaki (small town)
•  Yukigawa (village)

Ezojima Province
•  Ezojima
•  Torakaze
•  Senma
•  Yamanashi (small town)

The third largest of Kyokai’s main islands—Hekkaido is known for a frigid climate and hardy but happy people. Hekkaido is home to a single province of three medium sized to smaller towns, and a few notable villages, one of which claims to be one of the oldest in Kyokai—Izu Village.

Sendai Province
•  Sendai
•  Yukijima
•  Miwa
•  Izu (village)

The island of Anegawa is the second largest of Kyokai’s main islands. Home to only one province, it contains several medium to large sized towns and the cities of Anegawa and Yume. It is known as Kyokai’s “Island of Lakes” due to the concentration of freshwater lakes that dot its land. Otherwise, Anegawa is covered in dense forestation where cities have been cropped up. It’s main port lies in Koto, where any shipment from the main island of Joushu must pass through. The Islands of Zou are included within Anegawa Province’s jurisdiction.

Anegawa Province
•  Anegawa
•  Koto
•  Kawame
•  Yume

Smallest of the main islands of Kyokai, Watari is home to two main cities, one of which is famous for its season festivals—Hinamezawa. Heavily forested, the weather is usually sub-tropical for much of the year. The nearby Islands of Tenshi are included within Oni Province’s jurisdiction.

Oni Province
•  Oni
•  Hinamezawa

Third largest of Kyokai’s main islands, Tenmon contains three main locales within a single province—the cities of Tenmon and Senryu, and the medium sized town of Ame. Heavily forested, like Watari to its west, this island lies within a sub-tropical climate for most of the year. Between the two main islands, so much rain falls, that this led to the town of Ame’s namesake.

Tenmon Province
•  Tenmon
•  Senryu
•  Ame


Islands of Yamato
•  Sanmatsu
•  Tenryujima (village)
•  Many other smaller villages dot many of the islands of Yamato, the oldest of which grants these islands its namesake, and claims to be the ‘starting point of Kyokan civilization’.

Islands of Tenshi
•  Tenshi
•  Many small villages dot the islands of Tenshi

Islands of Zou
•  A few small villages dot many of these islands
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